Celebrating the 20th anniversary of Škoda Auto’s partnership with Tour de France

donderdag, 29 juni 2023 17:49
Celebrating the 20th anniversary of Škoda Auto’s partnership with Tour de France

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the close collaboration between Škoda Auto as the official main partner and the Tour de France, the world’s most famous cycling race.

Fans will see the Czech support cars along the route and on TV worldwide. The fleet of 209 vehicles is almost completely electrified; 207 cars have hybrid or all-electric drives. Race director Christian Prudhomme will be leading the peloton in an all-electric Enyaq for the third consecutive year. 

Martin Jahn, Škoda Auto Board Member for Sales and Marketing, said, “We’re delighted to be celebrating two decades of partnership with the prestigious Tour de France. We’ve created lots of exciting content for our We Love Cycling platform, and we’ll be giving fans the chance to win professional bicycles and original Green Jerseys autographed by the racers. At the same time, we’ll be showcasing our modern model portfolio, ideal for our active contemporary explorers and underscoring our commitment to a green electric future.”

The 110th Tour de France will start in the Basque city of Bilbao on 1 July. The competitors can look forward to 21 stages, taking them over all five French mountain ranges. To mark the 20th anniversary of the partnership, Škoda Auto has some surprises in store for the racers and spectators for the final stage, arriving on the Champs Élysées on 23 July. The details will be disclosed soon. 

As the official main partner, the Czech car manufacturer is providing the organisers of the Tour de France with 209 support vehicles, 207 of which have hybrid or all-electric drivetrains. The Race Director will head the peloton in the Red Car – a specially modified all-electric Enyaq Sportline iV: It has six aerials, a flag holder, a special horn, advertising banners, five radio circuits and a sunroof. 

VIP guests will be able to enjoy the action on the track in a Superb L&K.
Additionally, Škoda Auto will be sponsoring the Green Jersey again, awarded to the race’s top sprinter. Trophies designed by Škoda will be presented to the overall and points classification winners. 209-Vehicle support fleet gears up for 21 stages and five mountain range crossings

Stories on social media and in the online magazine We Love Cycling
To mark the 20th anniversary of Škoda Auto’s partnership, cycling race fans around the world can delve into the history of the Tour de France and its evolution and can relive significant moments in the online magazine We
Love Cycling. The magazine is also hosting a four-round competition, giving fans the chance to win professional bicycles and original Green Jerseys autographed by the racers. Additionally, Škoda Auto is collaborating with the British cyclist Cameron Jeffers. Enthusiasts can follow him on social media for an exclusive look behind-the-scenes. 

Škoda Auto returns as the main partner of the Tour de France Femmes avec Zwift
Once the Škoda support vehicles have accompanied the Tour de France peloton to the finish line, the baton will be passed to the women competing in the second year of Tour de France Femmes avec Zwift. From 23 to 30 July, they will cover 956 kilometres across eight stages. Having supported last year’s inaugural race, Škoda Auto is returning as the event’s main partner this year.

Supporting cycling takes Škoda Auto back to its roots
Besides the Tour de France, Škoda Auto also supports other significant cycling events like Vuelta a España and the amateur competition L’Etape. Škoda Auto is symbolically pedalling full circle in a fitting tribute to its
founders, Václav Laurin and Václav Klement, who started out manufacturing bicycles in 1895 and launched their first car a decade later.

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Laatst aangepast op donderdag, 29 juni 2023 18:00

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